Sabado, Hulyo 5, 2014

Semi-Detailed Learning Plan

I.                    Objective
Towards the end of the period, the students should be able to:
a.       distinguish cause and effect statements, sentences, or situations;
b.      value the importance of cause and effect statements, sentences, or situations; and
c.       give their own cause and effect statements, sentences, or situations.

II.                  Subject Matter:
Topic: The Cause and Effect
Reference: English book III
Materials: LCD Projector, white board, speakers, a microphone, laptop

III.                Procedure
A. Preliminaries:
1. Drill
     The teacher will ask the students about their unforgettable experience for the day, the regretful one or the most significant one.

2. Review
       The students will be asked about their past lesson. Further, the teacher will ask
also the results of their past quiz. Furthermore, the teacher will ask what are the reasons why they got such score.  

3. Motivation
       After the teacher set the rules, the teacher will ask the students to dramatize the before and after events of the given statements or sentences.  There are four students all in all. The statements or sentences are:

1. Marie woke up late in the morning.
2. Jose forgot to take his breakfast.

B. Presentation
1. Activity Proper
        A CAUSE refers to WHY something happens and the EFFECT  refers to WHAT happens. Clue words are if, then, because, since,and so. The purpose of such is to see the relationship and connection of idea and events.
2. Analysis
      Read the sentences below and think about WHAT is happening and WHY it is happening.  
1. It had begun to rain so Marie and John had to run inside.
2. Since it was so cold outside, Ren built up a big fire in his fireplace.
3. We went to the grocery store because we needed milk.
4. Mom gave money yesterday because it was her birthday.
5. The emission of CFC's  is one of the causes of global warming.

3. Abstraction
     The students are asked to remember that a Cause is why something happens and the Effect is what something happens. They will be requested to view the video below:
4. Application
     The teacher will group the learners into groups in five members and  they are going to list in a one whole sheet of paper the ten examples of Cause and Effect statements. They  are requested to share it in the class.

IV. Evaluation
      The students will write their experience from this day and/or the past days. After which, they need to encircle the cause and underline the Effect statements. After the quiz, they will be asked the importance of Cause and Effect and its implication to human life.

V. Assignment:
      The students will be asked to view the movie "The lady or the Tiger?" for the next lesson about making inferences.

Digital Fluencies

Task: Make an illustration of the 6 Basic digital Skills and make an explanation.
In developing the Basic Digital Skills, the following fluency skills are needed:

1. The Solution Fluency

This skill refers to the whole brain thinking and the capacity and creativity in problem solving. This involves, defining the problem, designing the solution of the problem, applying the solution and assessing the process and result. The other skills will not be mastered if the solution fluency will not be mastered.

2. Information Fluency

This involves 3 skills: a.) the ability to access information; b.) ability to retrieve information not only texts but also images; and c.) ability to reflect on, assess and rewrite for instructive information packages. Moreover, the ability to scrutinized the world of information as operated in technology will be the focus of this skill.

3. Collaboration Fluency
This pertains to teamwork, cooperation and collaboration with those real and virtual partners or group mates. This may develop discovery learning with the interaction and the distance has been abridged.

4. Media Fluency
The other skills before media fluency may be used here. A media refer to the channels of mass communication or any other digital sources. The ability to be with the world is really necessary to be equipped in the millennial world.

5. Creativity Fluency
This skill pertains to the artistic proficiency, It may be in the way of design, art, a story to give twist to a message.

6. Digital Ethics
The essence of global responsibility, environmental awareness, leadership, global citizenship and personal accountability is the focus of this skill. However, the digital world is not free for some exploitation.

Perception on the Old and New generation

Question: What is your perception on the Old and New generation?

What is yesterday's may not be necessary for today's.When I heard about the word old and new, the point that hit my mind is about change- the discovered and the replaced.

The new generation for me is the discovered and the replacement for what is in the old generation. The new generation tells about improvement especially for the life of mankind and what makes life more easier.

In the context of living, before, a great effort was really needed to make such labor. For example, the transaction of of goods from a place to another, while now, we have machines that make transportation easy and more convenient.

In the context of educative process, the old generation is most often labeled as traditional and the new is the modern one. The common thing that made the two terms distinct is about the use of technological innovations especially in educative instruction. Further, the old generation is subject-centered but the new generation is learner-centered.

In a nutshell, indeed, change is inevitable. The old generation is the yesterday of the new generation and the new generation may be the today and is the tomorrow of the old generation.

The Past 30 Years Generation and the New Generation

Task: Illustrate in a grid chart differentiating the past 30 years old generation and the new generation.?

The information below  differentiating the old and new generation are just some of my observations between the two terms.

Old Generation
New Generation
Learning Process
·         Learners keep on listening discussion of the teacher. They are after to the teacher as center of the educational process and as the sole dispenser of knowledge.
·         Old generations are fun of reading like informative books, etc.
·         They are more independent  and they prepare themselves for participating the class.
·         They are learning just pass the subject.
·         It is learner centered. The students are more indulge into hands-on, minds-on, hearts-on activities. Technological innovations are integrated in every instruction.
·         They would prefer to see visuals than any other reading materials that are more on texts.
·         They are social learners. Research says that the more they indulge to cooperative learning, there is a great tendency of learning.
·         They are learning to acquire knowledge and to have some fun.

Most likely, they will immediately obey.
They are rebellious in the sense that they will do whatever they want and what they think are right.
They can wait.
They need instant gratification
Not so serious

Biyernes, Hulyo 4, 2014

Bridging the Gap of Students from Generation Y and Z

Question: How will you bridge the gap of the students of the future generation Y and Z?

As expected, managing the students with their difference is really a challenge that must be accepted if someone takes teaching as a profession and a vocation. In every management, the teacher must see every learners' background.

 Generation Y covers people born between the 1980’s and the year 2000, and these individuals are sometimes referred to as Gen Y, the Millennial Generation, or simply Millennials ( People in this generation are in technology revolution and are equipped in latest gadgets. While, the Generation Z (ibid.) is a generation born after the year 2000. 

Both generations are in technological innovations. The use of technology in teaching would be the primary solution especially  the CAI (Computer-Assisted Instruction) because that is where they are common. Further, In my point of view, the burden of bridging the gap of these breed of learners is not so arduous because both generations seemed so similar in method of learning (the use of technology); though the description of Generation Z is just an inference because they are just growing.